China and Brazil have broad prospects for cooperation in various fields, such as economic and trade exchanges, scientific and technological innovation, and people-to-people exchanges, said Cui Shoujun, professor and director of the Institute of International Development Studies at the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China, during an interview with China News Network.
The year 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Brazil. He believes that the two countries with strategic and innovative visions are expected to promote the steady development of bilateral relations, and jointly work together for the next "golden 50 years".(Gan Tian)
11月19日,英歌舞、舞狮、二十四节令鼓表演亮相广东汕头小公园历史文化街区。近日,广东汕头举行“潮汕文化庙会”系列活动,开展非遗传统文化市集、传统舞蹈表演、古风游园、东南亚风情市集等活动,向市民游客及参加第二十二届国际潮团联谊年会和第十届世界潮商大会的海内外嘉宾展示汕头传统文化特色。(记者 陈楚红 视频制作 王佳琪)
中新网南平11月20日电 (张丽君 毛胤德 吴双磊)“此次考核同以往不同,既是对全体分队指挥员以及基层警官军事能力素质的全面摸底和检验评估,也是立起大抓严抓基础训练的鲜明导向。”近日kaiyun下载app下载安装手机版,武警福建总队南平支队组织分队指挥员“周期过关制”比武暨基层警官军事训练考核,旨在进一步提升分队指挥员的能力素质,全面摸清基层警官的军事训练底数,为锻造一支拉得出、上得去、打得赢的部队奠定坚实基础。