马来西亚亚太“一带一路”共策会会长翁诗杰(Ong Tee Keat)在主旨演讲中表示,随着中国—东盟伙伴关系在变动的政治与发展需求中逐步推进,更多促进经济增长的新动力和带动社会文化互动的新元素也正在不断涌现。在这一背景下,针对中国—东盟命运共同体的成员国,中方可以因地制宜、量身定制更多“一带一路”项目,深入开展人文互动。
在下午召开的“民心相通与建设中国—东盟命运共同体”平行论坛上,缅甸中国研究中心主任伍庆祥(Hein Khaing)表示,促进中国—东盟之间民心相通的主要秘诀在于加强建设中国—东盟知识共同体,加强建设中国—东盟自主知识体系和自主话语体系。让双方能够通过自己的学习,研究和对话来认识彼此,而不是靠第三方的知识和话语。
11月19日至22日,2024年世界互联网大会乌镇峰会在浙江乌镇举行。大会期间米乐·M6官网登录入口,比利时前驻华大使、现定居云南的“洋农民”帕特里克·奈斯(Patrick Nijs)接受“东西问·中外对话”采访时坦言米乐·M6官网登录入口,他非常热爱中国的文化,也很享受在中国生活。如今已留华12年的他表示,对当年的决定很满意,身边也有越来越多的朋友同事,有意在中国定居。
The World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit kicked off in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province on Wednesday. During the event, Patrick Nijs, former Belgian Ambassador to China and now a "farmer" in Yunnan Province, expressed his deep love for Chinese culture and his enjoyment of life in China.
Having lived in the country for 12 years, Nijs said he remains very satisfied with his decision and noted that many of his friends and colleagues are also considering settling in China.
In a world facing significant challenges, Nijs believes China plays an indispensable role in driving global solutions. He hopes to act as a bridge between China and the rest of the world to help achieve important goals. (Lin Zhuowei, Xu Junjie)