武康路始建于1907年,是浓缩了上海近代百年历史的“名人路”。武康路上的建筑囊括英国乡村别墅、西班牙住宅、巴洛克花园、新古典主义、装饰主义、现代主义等建筑风格。在这里,每一栋建筑都有自己的故事,每一个故事都与城市发展相连,也让每位外国留学生产生了跨越时空的共鸣。(视频拍摄 范宇斌 视频制作 徐妙巧 编辑 刘鹏)
"Brazil and China have broad prospects for cooperation, and I regard my Chinese friends as brothers and sisters." Adair Caneiro, Chairman of Federation Chambers of Foreign Trade (FCCE) of Brazil, told China News Network. He said that China is Brazil's largest trading partner, and the friendship between the two countries is continuously deepening. The Brazilian people have a great affection for the Chinese people, and the business takes place in China is worth learning from.