China and Brazil have broad prospects for cooperation in various fields, such as economic and trade exchanges, scientific and technological innovation, and people-to-people exchanges, said Cui Shoujun, professor and director of the Institute of International Development Studies at the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China, during an interview with China News Network.
The year 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Brazil. He believes that the two countries with strategic and innovative visions are expected to promote the steady development of bilateral relations, and jointly work together for the next "golden 50 years".(Gan Tian)
中新网11月20日电 江苏省江阴市周庄镇人民政府19日在其官方微信发布情况通报称,11月18日,有网民反映和媒体报道 “周庄镇综合执法局工作时间内服务窗口无人值守、部分人员提前在食堂就餐”,周庄镇党委政府高度重视,第一时间组织人员开展核查,对相关工作人员进行提醒谈话kaiyun下载app下载安装手机版,并完善提升服务举措。接下来将自觉接受群众和媒体监督,举一反三,严肃工作纪律,优化便民服务窗口管理,更加高效、便捷服务广大办事群众。
“百雀羚”前述情况说明称,国家药品监督管理局于2021年5月26日发布《关于更新化妆品禁用原料目录的公告》(2021年第74号),将“圆叶牵牛提取物”列入禁用目录。在此之前的化妆品安全技术规范中并无对圆叶牵牛提取物的禁用规定。在2021年5月26日前,“圆叶牵牛提取物”属于已使用化妆品原料目录中可使用的原料。百雀羚涉及该原料的个别产品是在2021年5月26日之前生产,不违反《已使用化妆品原料目录 (2021 年版)》的规定。