"Brazil and China have broad prospects for cooperation, and I regard my Chinese friends as brothers and sisters." Adair Caneiro, Chairman of Federation Chambers of Foreign Trade (FCCE) of Brazil, told China News Network. He said that China is Brazil's largest trading partner, and the friendship between the two countries is continuously deepening. The Brazilian people have a great affection for the Chinese people, and the business takes place in China is worth learning from.
中新网11月19日电 据“国防部发布”微信公众号消息,根据年度计划及中国和巴基斯坦两国军队共识,11月下旬至12月中旬,中国人民解放军西部战区将组派兵力赴巴开展“勇士-8”反恐联合演习。此次联演以“联合反恐清剿打击行动”为课题,双方计划开展多层级、多专业混编联训,按照实际作战进程组织联军筹划、实兵演练。这是中巴两军第8次举行该系列演训,旨在巩固深化两军务实交流合作、检验提升联合反恐行动能力。